Monday, July 6, 2009


it seems a common theme
in the bar where I work
for wives to lose their husbands
each night
without fail
a couple women
middle aged with rosy cheeks
and thick, pudgy bodies
wander in and out of the doorway
muttering, “I’ve lost my husband.”
some even ask me
if I’ve seen him
“have you seen my husband?
He’s a big guy with glasses.”
“have you seen my husband?
He’s a short little bald man.”
but I have never seen their husbands
and if I have
I wouldn’t know
because I don’t keep track
of husbands and wives
I have enough on my mind
with paying the rent
beating the hangovers
and trying to make something
of my life.
but each night
without fail
a couple women
middle aged with rosy cheeks
and thick, pudgy bodies
stop in the doorway
only moments after losing their husband
and say, “oh, there he is!”
and always
the husbands are at the bar
or in their same chairs
at the same tables where the wives had left them
taking their time with their last drinks
stalling and stalling that last sip
holding onto the moment
the night
the camaraderie of the tavern
enjoying the friendship of fellow men
before giving it all up
and going back home
to their castles
and their captors
and their lives outside the bar

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